
Here I attempt to define cell-type specificy of genes/SNPs involved in eQTLs

  • Cell-type specificity of eQTL gene/SNP : a metric (or probability) that describes the extent to which an eGene (and its corresponding SNP) belong to a given cell-type

This cell-type specificity is not:

  • a measure of how specific the eQTL to this particular tissue/cell-type (the eGene/SNP could be active in other cell-types we do not observe, e.g. open set)
  • an absolute measure

Simple model of cell-type specificity

Suppose we have a gene \(X\) and a SNP \(y\) that are form a significant eQTL in heart tissue. Furthermore, let \(Y\) denote the peak/regulatory region in which \(y\) resides. Then, we can define the probability that this gene/snp pair belong to a certain cell-type \(c\) as follows:

\[ P(c = k| X,Y) \propto P(X,Y | c = k) P(c = k) \]

  • \(P(c = k)\) represents the prior probability of observing cell-type \(k\). This can come from the proportion of cell types
  • \(P(X,Y | c = k)\) is the joint probability of gene \(X\), peak \(Y\) under cell-type \(k\)

These probabilities can be obtained by fitting a topic model, e.g. fastTopics

Note that \(\sum_{k=1}^{K} P(c = k | X,Y) = 1\), therefor our cell-type specificity can be interpreted as a probability.


  1. Integrate scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq
  2. Infer joint factors for each major cell-type using Poisson topic model
  3. Extract word-topic distributions
  4. Compute posterior of each